The arrival of a new little precious baby can be one of the most exciting and life altering things one can go through. At the age of 35 and immediately after our marriage, my husband and I began trying to create the big family we had always desired. Who would have thought it would be so hard for us to conceive! After six months of trying and because of my age, we decided to see a fertility specialist to see if we had any issues. The only issue they could find was that I had a high level of prolactin in my blood. They gave me a pill and diagnosed us with unexplained infertility. Hearing this diagnosis was not an easy one. I couldn’t understand why it could be unexplained! I knew in my heart that God was the maker and creator of all life, but I had a hard time putting all my faith and trust in that. Being born in a family of handworkers and doers made it nearly impossible for me to rest and wait. I had a tendency to look at the world perspective of my situation and not the God perspective. During this time of waiting, hurting and growing, I found it very difficult to not be jealous of my friends and family that were conceiving with little or no effort. I found it a real challenge to go to baby showers and birthday parties and have a good attitude. I found myself retreating at times to my own little bubble and seeking God for answers and help. It was after 13 months of trying and after many rounds of Clomid, IUI’s, injections and finally IVF, that we conceived our daughter Trinity. As a person that believed in the power of God, deciding upon IVF was a moral dilemma for me. It’s funny, after all the different methods we tried and failed, I finally came to the realization that it was God and God only that would bless my husband and I with a child even if we went through IVF. Learning about our positive pregnancy and seeing little Trinity’s heart beat after all that we had been through, made her even all that more special to us!
I will never forget that day she was born and how our lives changed forever. From the moment she was conceived, we started to make the journey from selfish to selfless. Instead of all our decisions revolving around myself or each other, it now included this precious little life. We now had to think about how every little decision we made would affect little Trinity. We soon began to realize after taking her home, how self consumed our lives were. Our time was no longer ours, but hers. Even though life changed, and became more difficult, a lot of work and exhausting, we could never imagine life without her. She is such a blessing, joy and a gift from God. I now am much more aware of things I say and do and the messages and lessons that I want her to learn. Almost every moment is a teachable one and the way my husband and I live our lives will impact hers and our other two children forever. It is through this new life that we are changed, we grow and ultimately become more like HIM (Christ). Now that is the ultimate sacrifice, dying so that others may live and have a relationship with God! I hope I can be more like HIM!
So, it is with these words, that I would like to share these photos. This beautiful mom was full of sacrifice for her son. You could see the love in her eyes, the gentle touch and all the preparation and sacrifice she made to prepare her son for his photo shoot. I felt so honored to spend time with this young beautiful and caring mom that I wanted to share a little of our session together. She is learning and living sacrifice in this very moment.